Never, ever, turn your back to the sea! This was one of the small splashes that pounded this rocky formation. It pays to be cautious!
I had a few more photos that I wanted to post on my "thewalkinghawaiian" blog, but, I had so many pictures already, so I'm going to share them with you on my "thewalkinghawaiian2" blog. My daughter and I explored the point of Kaena Point as it was a fascinating area.
Need to practice your Hawaiian? The left side is English, the right is Hawaiian. This sign is a warning and informative. A fence line protects the wildlife here from all kinds of animals and dogs are not allowed in this area.
Hard to see, but there is a patch of neon blue in the left bottom corner of the photo. Please double click the picture to enlarge and see the details. My daughter thought that it was part of the beautiful blues of the ocean until it started moving all over the place. There was a school of them darting about in this area. I have never seen such bright, solid, colored fish before and haven't a clue as to identifying it. Can you help me?
Verdant yucca was found in only one place on our walk to the point. My daughter was surprised and commented that it was brown the last time she saw it. Why so verdant on this day? My only guess is the remnant of a tropical storm last week brought heavy showers to Oahu, even drenching this normally arid area. Hoping that many surprises delight and cheer you today! A Hui Hou! (Until we meet again!)